Ideal News and Views

News and Views from a few miles north of Ideal, South Dakota. History, agriculture, politics, hunting, bison, Scot heritage, WW11 B-24 Service, prairie life, cattle, weather, horses, Homesteading, and some photos.

Saturday, May 31, 2003


Just watched Midwest Market Analysis from SDSU and saw.
Dennis Todey demonstrating the Climate and weather links put together
at SDSU. I logged onto SDSU CLIMATE LINK. Look around the site. Lots of SD weather information here

I sent Todey an e-mail suggesting they find a way to make your menus, etc a bit more readable.
Barely legible gray on ever so slightly darker gray is not particularly
readable. Not all South Dakotans are 20-year-old college students with
20-20 vision.

Getting this data put together at one accessible spot is a very good
idea. Despite above comments, I think the Climate URL is worth checking.
It has archival weather information, numerous airport, radar and SD school sites
also as links from main page. Take a look. If you think it could be a bit more
readable, send a message to SDSU. There is a mail link on the page..if you can see it.
)))))))))))) Doug WIken

Saturday, May 10, 2003

Ideal News and Views
Hunting: Brad Reis of Hamill is hiring lawyers to challenge the S. D Hunting law that allows shooting at birds that are beyond the right of way of roadways. The law wa enacted by the Legislature last session. Sen Koskan of District 28, Wood, S.D was instumental in working out that compromise. It might be like "I shot an arrow into the air and it fell to earth I know not where, or did I care" was this a quote by that short feller Longfeller?

Wednesday, May 07, 2003

I woke up too early this morning and noted that the meadow larks start singing at 5:50AM CDT which is about 30 minutes before time WeatherUnderground indicates is Sunrise: ie, 6:22PM CDT

The barn swallows which think our open porch is summer home were flying around here about two days ago, but I have
not seen them since. With the rains, mud for nest building would be readily available instead of only found at a dugout
about a quarter mile from house.

Your "mule" looks more like a paint horse. Could the vet tell the difference? -------- Doug Wiken