Ideal News and Views

News and Views from a few miles north of Ideal, South Dakota. History, agriculture, politics, hunting, bison, Scot heritage, WW11 B-24 Service, prairie life, cattle, weather, horses, Homesteading, and some photos.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Wealth Transfer in Triipp County

Wealth transfer or money from the lands of Tripp County has been studied and is available at SDCF website. As the money or wealth is handed down to the next generation it is likely that much of it will leave the county and the State. As the younger generation leave the so will the wealth as heirs of the holdings pass to them never to return.

The wealth study was conducted with Citigroup, Presentation College Foundation, Sioux Falls Area Foundation and the Watertown Area Foundation to forecast the financial future of South Dakota.

The information was over a 10- year period from 2000 to 2010. In Tripp County a 10-year transfer is indicated at $61,957,258. A population loss in the same time period is indicated at -7.9%
or 2,464.

Remember the rule to follow the money, so it is to follow the young brains that inherit the milk and honey of he rural areas of South Dakota never to return.

As the county population decreases so will the number of children that will be enrolled in the schools. State aid for schools will decrease based on enrollment and the needed dollars will be assessed to the rural land. Land produces fewer children as they are not needed by the farm and ranch. No need to kid the farm for hands to stook the grain, milk cows, or herd the sheep. the few left are to inherit the problems of the land and replenish the "CASH COW" for those in the population centers who still rely on the sales tax to finance great expectations. As the weak dollar leads to higher prices of the consumer goods, general sales taxes and special taxes as the 4 B tax in Winner allows bonds to be floated . Swimming in debt or swimming in water you still have to tread carefully or drowning by foreclosure is possible. Yes, cities can file for bankruptcy.


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