Ideal News and Views

News and Views from a few miles north of Ideal, South Dakota. History, agriculture, politics, hunting, bison, Scot heritage, WW11 B-24 Service, prairie life, cattle, weather, horses, Homesteading, and some photos.

Saturday, March 22, 2008


Congress has been trying to pass the new farm program for the coming years. The last program expired. But the recent deadline has been extended a month. Last evening P.B.S. had a preview of the not yet released "Body Count" a movie of the decision to invade Iraq----timing was a few months before the fall election. Hardly any discussion. Ayes were plentiful except a couple nays.

Although the guns of war have not been beaten into the plowshares it is time for the mental planning for the farm operation to be completed and action. Timing the passing of the farm program before the spring planting is a familiar congressional tactic. They have had a year to discuss and pass a new farm bill.

This warrior of the land noticed how little discussion on war to Iraq and great delay and discussion on a farm program.

Are farms that important? You have heard the expression , "It's the pits"? Probably a little truth to that statement as the pits of the New York Stock Exchange or Chicago board of trade have been cultivating and bagging the unwary on future trading of farm products, especially grains as wheat, corn, and soy beans. Speculation future prices raised spring wheat up to almost $20 a bushel. Two bushels of spring wheat to plant per acres,Diesel fuel at almost $4 a gallon nitrogen $770 a ton and harvest costs not announced yet-- but the conversation using words not noticed in the dictionary, free--no charge. Cash investment per acre of spring wheat is close to $250. No snow and no rain in this band of drought. Dowsers and dancers needed to find that dew of the cloud.

Freedom to farm or farewell to farms? A cash sow or cow are needed on the range. Hath thou heeded Joseph's rule of the green thumb? Dip into the granary of seven years lean and seven years fat. At this time it is "Empty bins near the old corral."

That manna from heaving is of interest. How about 'stuffen' the Bank of Cooperatives?
Your neighbors might not have a roof over head for long, but at least have the basic food available at the grocery store.



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