Ideal News and Views

News and Views from a few miles north of Ideal, South Dakota. History, agriculture, politics, hunting, bison, Scot heritage, WW11 B-24 Service, prairie life, cattle, weather, horses, Homesteading, and some photos.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Compulsory Kindergarten in S. Dak schools

Governor Rounds recomended Kindergarten be mandatory in S. Dak. Schools. It might be that future citizens of South Dakota need to know their songs and dances--and colours too from red to blue.

After George Hearst bought the original claim for Homestake his wife Phoebe had the foresite to provide for the education of the gold miners' children by having a large building built for Kindergarteners. The picture of the building appeared in the Rapid City Journal several months aback. T'was no country school building but a three or four story building. Since a number of the miners were immigrants their children would most likely be potential miners. I had a letter written in 1903-5 by a family friend, Churchill, who taught kindergarten in that area too. I remember she mentioned going down lower main street in Deadwood to Chicken Louies for supper after school---but always walked on the sidewalk opposite the "Girls of the Gulch. Perhaps George Carr's book on Phoebe Hearst will have more details on Kindergarten in Deadwood/Lead.

If Gov. Rounds was thinking of the golden touch in education in South Dakota by promoting Kindergarten best to think ahead and provide the money for the average daily attendance of those students from the State aid per student. Are their mothers going to be driving twice a day to some attendance center and be reimbursed a few cents a mile beyond the five miles. Sen Bouge of Faith might have a little buzz on that problem.

Who will pay the cost of the piper or rhythmn sticks or conductor. What will be the athletic program for the K's? I suggest TIDDLEY WINKS. The South Dakota Tiddly Winks Athletic Association will be created with the A and B and C divisions. To save mileage and food costs for competition between clubs the laptops and computers will carry the squigee games live by streaming. Moms could be the cheery leaders and some Bank could account for a scholarship or two. You Bet Dwd will support the Kindergarten Games.

I certainly support Kindergarten schools even with the "Winks" in the pot.


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