Ideal News and Views

News and Views from a few miles north of Ideal, South Dakota. History, agriculture, politics, hunting, bison, Scot heritage, WW11 B-24 Service, prairie life, cattle, weather, horses, Homesteading, and some photos.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Reviving a Cemetery

Yes, it is an Ideal one that has been around for about 100 years. It was designated in a part of a homesteader's 160 acres when a family member died. Located on a grassy knoll, fenced with an over- head arch proclaiming IDEAL CEMETERY it has survived. .

Though neglected for a time in the 1980's it is now on a recovery mission by the spring-offs of the early settlers.

In 1992 I appeared before the Tripp county commissioners asking them to appoint persons who would take care of the "abandoned " cemetery. A provision of the S. D. law allows County commissioners to manage abandoned cemeteries with funds provided. I didn't get support and the request rejected.

The recent interest in Tripp County celebrating it's 100th anniversary in 2009 gave me the impetus to revive the management of the cemetery. Several members of the community whose parents and or family have been interred therein have taken care of the grounds . Mowing and adding flags for the soldiers of war along with the honor guard from the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars have now made Memorial Day at the cemetery a day of remembering..

The original Cemetery corporation has been dissolved by the Sec. of State. It is feasible to re-incorporate and proceed to the business of selecting ; directors, by-laws, a management team and method of finance,

The Ideal cemetery will be for another 100 years a place to visit and remember.


"e" ps Bernie in the recent issue of South Dakota magazine has an article on 92 churches. How about 92 cemeteries?

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Bees lost in the clover

Yellow blossom clover covers the hills and valleys of the area. The June 5th rain of at least 3-4 inches brought the clover blossoms. Now if the bees work the warmer days and the winds do not blow too hard that No 1 Clover honey of Sue Bee will be available this fall.

The PBS special on the disappearance of the bees indicate a possible undiscovered Virus. Our area is covered by Bachman bees with three bee yards. In this land of Milk and Honey, where are the cows to milk. How about the rodeo fanfare with the wild cow milking contest?

It's the buzzen of the Bees in fields of clover now, Burl Ives would sing all day long beneath the
sycamore tree.
